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Andrew Weil, M.D., has devoted the past thirty years to developing, practicing, and teaching others about the principles of integrative medicine and natural health. Dr. Weil combines a Harvard education and a lifetime of practicing integrative medicine to provide a unique approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit.
Called "America's Doctor" by CNN's Larry King

Named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2005, and one of the Top 25 Visionaries in 2007 by TIME Magazine

Founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) and clinical professor of internal medicine at the University of Arizona
Collaborator of True Food Kitchen restaurants, featuring dishes that closely adhere to the principles of Dr. Weil's anti-inflammatory diet
National best-selling author, including Spontaneous Healing, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health, Eating Well for Optimum Health, The Healthy Kitchen, and Healthy Aging: Your Lifelong Guide to Physical and Spiritual Well-Being.
Harvard University medical degree graduate
An internationally recognized expert on integrative medicine, medicinal plants, and mind-body interactions
Founder of the Weil Foundation, an organization dedicated to sustaining the vision of integrative medicine. Dr. Weil donates all of his after-tax profits from product sales to the Weil Foundation.
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“Dr. Weil's philosophy of integrative medicine struck home with me... and his thoughts on body, mind and spirit too! Thank you Dr. Weil!”

- Pam S

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